Beyond the Screen

Fall 2019

Visual Identity
Motion Design

Based on, Bruce Mau’s 24HRS2 Massive Change Toolkit of Insights, Methods, and Creative Strategies, I framed my concept around the impact that design and technology have on our world. The developed visual system was aimed to convey and illustrate Mau’s message alongside my personal voice and interpretation of it.

The visuals were attached to 20 cards of Charles and Ray Eames’ 7”x11” House of Cards for users to interact and play with to tell their own story.

Photo of my House of Cards being stacked up


After reading Bruce Mau’s writing on design, I reflected that design work itself can sometimes feel disconnected from the actual impact designers have on the world outside their workspace.

Designers care about creating for the human experience—a message that can get lost in translation from work to reality.

As a result, I wanted to re-visualize the digital space designers are familiar with alongside the impact that their design work has once they look beyond the screen and see the effects it causes.

Samples of cards and animations:


This project allowed me to be playful with graphics that went hand-in-hand with clever and sometimes ironically cliché messages. I enjoyed making a concept with the purpose of creating an engaging way for designers to rethink the way they see their work. Looking back, I learned a lot of valuable skills from critical thinking to visualizing complex ideas with the goal of encouraging self-reflection.